7 Reasons to Take Care of Your Smile

7 Reasons to Take Care of Your Smile

Smiles make us feel welcome and safe, and our own smile can put others at ease. It signals warmth and happiness and perhaps humor — all good traits, and all the more reason to make sure we take care of our smile on a daily basis.

Teeth play an important role in our overall health and well-being, and it’s imperative to take care of your smile right now. Here are seven reasons why.

1. A Mouth Care Routine Keeps Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

As the saying goes, you don’t need to brush all of your teeth — just the ones you want to keep. The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Depending on your eating habits and your schedule, you may choose to brush more often than that, but make sure you don’t do less. Daily brushing helps prevent cavities and tooth decay, especially if you make it a habit starting in childhood. For optimal care and to prevent gum disease, floss daily and use mouthwash to get rid of the plaque, bacteria and food particles that brushing might miss.

2. You Don’t Regrow Adult Teeth

There’s a reason the Tooth Fairy only visits children — adults don’t lose teeth. Or rather, adults should try not to lose any teeth since you don’t grow them back. A complete, daily mouth care routine is your best line of defense against the tooth decay and disease that might lead a dentist to have to extract your tooth. Additionally, if you’re engaged in activities or sports that might result in you getting a tooth knocked out — such as hockey, roller derby, lacrosse or boxing — be sure to use and wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth.

3. Tooth Health Can Affect Your Overall Health

According to the Mayo Clinic, your oral health could lead to various illnesses and diseases that affect your body. These include:

  • Premature birth: Periodontitis, or gum disease, has been traced to premature birth and low birth weight in babies.
  • Cardiovascular disease: Clogged arteries, heart disease and/or stroke may result from infections and inflammation caused by mouth bacteria.
  • Endocarditis: This infection of the endocardium—the heart’s valves and lining—is caused by germs getting into the bloodstream and attaching to damaged areas of the heart. These germs can originate in an unhealthy mouth.

Oral bacteria can also cause respiratory conditions like pneumonia and COPD.

4. Keep Your Smile at its Whitest and Brightest

Taking care of your smile right now helps keep it as white and bright as possible. In addition to a daily mouth care routine, be sure to visit your dentist twice a year for routine checkups. This enables them to check on the status of your mouth, and also catch any possible trouble issues with your teeth and gums before they become a big problem. Don’t wait for your routine appointment if you are experiencing mouth issues, such as pain in your teeth or gums, sensitivity to brushing, sensitivity when you eat or drink hot or cold foods, grinding your teeth, etc. If any of these are the case, schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately.

5. Prevent Permanent Staining

If you smoke, drink coffee or tea frequently, or are a fan of sports drinks or wine, you may notice that your teeth are looking dingy, or at least not sparkling white. Many foods can stain or erode your teeth’s enamel, including citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, blackberries, hard candies and tomato-based sauces. In addition to your daily mouth care and twice-annual dental checkups, ask your dentist about whitening products you can use at home or whitening services offered in their office. There are also some foods you can eat that will help prevent staining by increasing saliva production, including hard cheeses, apples, and carrots.

6. Avoid Major Tooth Surgery Down the Road

While “the earlier the better” holds true for when you should start caring for your teeth, not everybody learns about the importance of routine oral hygiene in their childhood. Luckily, it’s never too late for you to start taking care of your smile. However, if the damage already done can’t be reversed with daily brushing and flossing, major procedures such as dental implantsroot canals, or periodontal surgery may be necessary.

7. A Healthy Smile Leads to Happiness

It’s worth repeating: When you flash a big, white smile, you exude confidence and happiness. The result is that people around you are more comfortable and perhaps even happier when they’re around you. In fact, science has shown that smiles make everybody feel better. Imagine the effect that you and your smile can have on your personal and professional relationships if you feel secure enough to use it? Get that security by doing everything you can to take care of your teeth, gums, mouth and smile, today!

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